Nowhere Man
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Nowhere Man

Appealing lives, appealing lies
Enticing offers, false representations

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Abandon Ship?
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Abandon Ship?

The driving force, of its own accord, won’t weaken
But with battered sails, torn and not mended
Determination and resolve methodically meeken
Consider jumping ship; let this all be ended

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Last Wishes
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Last Wishes

Rest me in peace, courageous fluttering flowers

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Myself Again
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Myself Again

I healed myself again
When I picked up paper and a pen

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Angry Lobsters
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Angry Lobsters

Is the inner world the sun, in which all of the extraneous circumstances orbit around? Or, are circumstances the center piece…the sun, that we hurdle and spin our way around perpetually?

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SpringTime Views & Blues
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

SpringTime Views & Blues

A moment later, you are in your thirties,
staring at yourself in the mirror,
peering at your offspring in the

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Carbonated Bubbles
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Carbonated Bubbles

A steady stream of

carbonated bubbles float

in unison from bottom to brim

Like a flock of Virginia’s summer

starlings flying in murmuration

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Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk


Sequestered by a labyrinth of haunting moats

You reflect on when your poems once ended on positive notes

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I Am That I Am
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

I Am That I Am

I am the patron saint of doubts and misgivings

I am the quintessential consequence of living

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Tomorrow Is Too Late
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Tomorrow Is Too Late

Staring deliriously into the cunning, blinding sun

Like looking down the barrel of an endless gun

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Russia Refrain
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Russia Refrain

Russia refrain. Russia refrain. Russia please refrain.

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I Strive
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

I Strive

As if it were my job to emphasize a magic

That I scarcely believe myself most times

What is it about the shared human experience

That holds such vicious and timeless gravity

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Choose it or Chance it
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Choose it or Chance it

The future: _______________________________

It’s all blank space. The perfect, clean, new canvas

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Disruptor #237
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

Disruptor #237

I’ll make my bed and sleep in it too

And for a bit, I’ll still dream about you

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The Comedown
Benjamin deLeeuwerk Benjamin deLeeuwerk

The Comedown

I know what this is: self diagnosed

A confrontation with the Good-Times Ghost

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