Nowhere Man

Tomorrow begins another. Lifeless day

Physical breath and movement are present

But my mind is an icy tundra

Numb — I’ve become apathetic to damn near everything

Smiles; unpracticed, genuine smiles are few

Recognizable joy has hidden its life-giving self

It is no longer recognizable or distinguished

Everything is token — enough to get by

Dreams and desires surface only on occasion

Same one — seeking distractions when the numb is too much

To feel something, anything at all worth feeling

Sleep often interrupted with general unrest

Longing for times and things that once meant something

Distance or relationships having torn the last of my best

Always an odd-numbered wheel — a spare

Independent, undone; Completeness veiled, only for others

Appealing lives, appealing lies implode of skeleton frame

Enticing offers, false representations. Of “could be you”

Motions, cycles, rhythms; steps to nowhere

A few or a party, an unknown crowd — always alone

My soul is an empty lot, full of fault lines.

Did I make this life for me?

Do I create my circumstances? My feelings?

Do my surroundings create it for me?

Is it simply my lot in life?

I am a nowhere man.

It’s bitter, and it hurts a little

A meaningful, deliberate embrace would do so much.

They don’t go around here.


Don’t Stay Home


Abandon Ship?