Disruptor #237

You were giving me a haphazard jive
I was on my tip toes, ready to take a dive
You showed the vaguest of interest
A perfect branch, I thought I might build a nest
You were as serious as a practical joke
I was as humorous as a life-altering stroke
So eager, I leapt head first for the cheese
But it’s always a trap. A swarm of bees
I wish I’d developed an allergy to romance
I can’t afford to be lost in this trance
You turned my smooth talk into a stutter
I’m the stone and you’re the diamond cutter

Maybe you didn’t check out just yet
You can extend your stay and hedge your bet
Perhaps you’re a more private quiet citizen
Welcome to my ecosystem, make yourself a denizen
But I won’t push and I won’t tug
If you want, sweep me under the rug
I’ll make my bed and sleep in it too
And for a bit, I’ll still dream about you


For Nicci


Choose it or Chance it


The Comedown