Carbonated Bubbles

A broken bust in the garden
Buddha, I suspect, or
one of his constituents

A spruce-tipped IPA glistens
—its amber hue, illuminated
brilliantly within the clearly see-
through glass. An effect caused

By the sun’s daily retirement
party…which the wandering wind
just had to show up for

A steady stream of
carbonated bubbles float
in unison from bottom to brim
Like a flock of Virginia’s summer
starlings flying in murmuration

Traffic: incessant. Even in this
apparently false, rural countryside
Vocal friends jabber-jaw not
more than two tables away

And I? I am envious of…
the bust. the bubbles like
birds. the illuminated liquid.
and the vocal ventures.
All have placement, all
are rife with purpose, the
kicker— it is visible

One adds decor, another
creates effervescence and
refreshment, one adds beauty,
warmth and composition, while
the latter—synergy, community

And I….


SpringTime Views & Blues

