Abandon Ship?

Integrity has been compromised

The mast has overturned

A wayward path now realized

There is much to be discerned

Removed, the only way to be directed

I have not strength to right the wrong

Life’s junctures, so abruptly intersected

Forever changing, the tune of this song

The driving force, of its own accord, won’t weaken,

But with battered sails, torn and not mended

Determination and resolve methodically meeken

Consider jumping ship; let this all be ended

Of pounding waves, I have become, so easily disillusioned

If loneliness prevented, I’ll display my full support

If I don’t, my heart is heavy from a perpetual contusion

Jump this ship before it sinks. Abort! Abort! Abort!

Steadily, consistently, I drift out to sea,

I am damaged goods, my cause is all but lost

From self-imposed loss, I long to be free

Not quite, but almost at any cost

In my present state, I can do the sea no good

No course is set, no destination clear

No one will want this wrecked pile of drifting weathered wood

It certainly won’t be long now, until I face my greatest fear


Nowhere Man


Last Wishes