
You keep all your curses
In pockets of your purses
Always at the ready to fire one off
Too many could never be enough
Hope’s Source burned out everywhere
You wonder “was it even really ever there?”
It’s up to you now — it seems it always was
Sometimes the sting comes before you hear the buzz
So on and on, it takes everything to just get by
Can’t remember the last time you stopped and peered at the sky
You wept a stream into a raging river
The successes of others force you to quiver
You’ve looked for your own in so many cities
Now anger and hate are your regular qualities
One person only has so much to give
You spent it all loving, and just trying to live
You are misunderstood, looking for Miss Understanding
Your mind flies away, it will never be landing
If anyone cares, would you even know it?
If anyone told you, could you even believe it?
You are a person, the people seemingly love to hurt
You hate yourself — because of your own mess and dirt
Once freely vulnerable, now no space is safe
Protect the ones you love, from your presence that does chafe
Fear and longing beckon from the alleys
When you are in the darkest parts of the deepest valleys
Harness them and create a familiar trinity
This may be the closest you ever come to divinity
”You are strong” they say, when you know you are not
The ones you had trusted, are now the ones you have fought
If anyone will let you, you’ll dismantle yourself
For your story always ends up on the bottom shelf
The desperation is nearly to full consumption
Before you knew things..remember how you had gumption?
Everything that was good is gone
Everything that was right is wrong
Sequestered by a labyrinth of haunting moats
You reflect on when your poems once ended on positive notes


Carbonated Bubbles


I Am That I Am