Choose it or Chance it

What’s the point of becoming who I am
I mean in the continual sense
As I develop and change over time
What does it mean for this to happen
What do all of the details mean
Memories. of both the blessed and forsaken past
Flashbacks to everything, are flashbacks to nothing
Supposedly, the past is to be significant
But is it so, for any other reason than
To be remembered so as not to repeat itself

The Journey of Life: Labyrinth. Puzzle. Maze. Paradox

The past: only a convoluted map of chronology
To simply show how I got to where it is I am
The future: _______________________________
It’s all blank space. The perfect, clean, new canvas
Makes me think the future could be anything
But how much is already preset and decided
Predetermined by the undeniable influence of the past
By the resulting neurotic disorder of psychological ego
Concluded by an untraceable and aloof subconscious
Or set in stone by a god before the world began
The clean slate of the future seems … unlikely

”Welcome to the main event! The greatest show on earth!
Today. Tonight. Tomorrow. As every day before and after
A collaboration of pure magical elements
Whether you hate them or whether you love them
Or whether you accept them neutrally — as equals
They care not! For they live only to entertain

I present to you this eve, your contenders:
In the red corner … it’s CHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAANCE!!!
And in the opposing blue corner … CHOOOOOIIIIIIIIICE!!!”

Ding Ding


The Slow-Fade Acquiescence of Acquaintance


Disruptor #237