The Slow-Fade Acquiescence of Acquaintance

Do you feel it?
The subtle pull back to our respective realities
Do you feel it?
The magic; waning and wearing thin
Do you feel it?
Those few singular tears running down the cheek
Do you see it?
The fog densely collecting over the dividing waters
Do you sense it?
The shores from which we wave, slowly disappearing
Do you get it?
The bond we built releasing us to our former selves
Is it just me?
Feeling the void left by your trickling evaporation
Do you know how it goes?
We’ll never utter the words “good bye” … we’ll just do a slow fade


And it’s only ever been this way


We’ll sink and slide back into our own little corners of our own little worlds of our own little pieces and ideas of earth


And do you know it?

Despite a measure of grief from the impact of loss … it’s alright. ♡

To all of the vagabonds, the travel acquaintances, and my nomadic friends


I Strive


Choose it or Chance it