Don’t Stay Home

A very brief primer on how to execute dreams, goals, and plans:

(Perhaps not applicable nor suitable for all personalities or peoples.)

Home is not the place for planning and creating action steps for dreams. It’s fine to dream at home. Maybe get an idea on paper. But the traction ends there. At least for myself — I get stuck at home. Stuck in my body. Stuck in my head. It’s too familiar. Too easy. To simple to find distractions or create reasons why NOT to do something that’s exciting and scary! My couch cushion’s gravitational field pulls me in and I fall into it like a distant star falling into a black hole, as it whispers to me, “See how comfortable and easy this is!? Why would you EVER want to leave this behind?” It’s a very fine couch—and I love sitting and lying on it, but it comes with too many restrictive and limiting vibes. Just like the walls of my home, that keep the outside world outside. And the inside world inside. Which I am thankful for in many regards; sometimes home is just a little too safe. Thank God for windows at least!

Home is valuable. I love my home. But…
Home is for rest, for nourishment. My safe haven to exist in any old sloppy form.

No, if I want to have a dream and do something about it, I need to go to a coffee shop, the library, or another state or country. There, is either magnetic, contagious buzz of productivity, silence of focus, or an environment so fresh and new that my brain can only be stimulated and excited for more.

Home is where I get into a trance. A daze. Blinded from possibility. Like being trapped under a spell.

My physical walls become my mental blocks.

But just as with when I travel, with going out of the home — I enter the unknown,

the unfamiliar, and my walls come crumbling down. I need all

of my walls to crumble so that I can live

presently, vulnerably, openly

with acceptance,

intentionality, and


for myself, for others, and for my environment.

It occurred to me while writing this that an alternative may exist. Quite possibly, if I invited more of the outside world to cross the threshold and enter into the inside world, enough change and newness would exist to reroute the sedentary neural pathways of home and create the space and atmosphere and friction that is desirable and necessary to spark light in my eyes, action in my mind, and traction for my feet. hmm. This paragraph is stream of conscious, and a delightful revelation! Food for thought. 

Sunshine Souls


Nowhere Man