The Elbow of My Couch

The departure from the corner of my living room. …I do some form of living in all of my rooms - but I suppose the expectation is that this is the room where the real living gets done. Or at least the majority of it.

Today was unusual, and pleasant. I was supposed to be up by 4:30 a.m. to help with a hot air balloon run. But it got canceled. And then Covid got into the house of the friend I had brunch scheduled with, so that plan got canceled too. I didn’t get to bed until 2 or 3 a.m. the night prior, so a clear morning schedule was most welcome for me. The day started like any late May day in Colorado might: warmish, with a clearing sky. I left my windows open overnight so the air is cool and fresh in my home. Perfect for a brew of coffee, and a tucking into the elbow of my couch, under my favorite blue and white Mexican blanket, right next to my favorite viewing window. Is this what they mean by living? If so, I think I’m nailing it on which room I chose to do this in.

Maximum living I suppose - the kind of thing one could only do in a living room. Can you even imagine if I attempted such a thing in any other kind of room? A kitchen? A bedroom? Absurdity! I guess I think it is a silly name for a room. And since I’m on it, how come kitchen has its own special word? Shouldn’t it be the food room? Like bathroom, bedroom, mudroom, laundry room, dining room, and so on? All the other rooms tell you what you are supposed to do there. Frankly, I wish all the rooms had their own more interesting specific names. It’d be more exciting, as far as vocabulary goes. I digress from the morning’s unfolding though…

I sit in foggy comfort, catching up on a few things, and trying to read through a philosophy book. It’s a bit heady—perfect for today. I didn’t actually know it was a philosophy book when I reserved it. The title is misleading, as it suggests motorcycles as a prominent topic — something I am supremely interested in — but the motorcycle portion is nominal at best in my opinion. That said, it’s still an enjoyable book. Philosophy and psychology are perhaps two of the most interesting fields of curiosity and study to me. I make up for it though. I put three motorcycle adventure books in my Thriftbook shopping cart. …I can’t reach my wallet from the couch though — so. I’ll buy those later!

The leaves in the trees are ruffling in the breeze now. The sun has disappeared. The sky has darkened. I hear distant thunder and the air smells damp and has thick texture. It’s a sheer delight. I can almost feel the air sit on my skin. My window is still open and I press my nose up against the screen and use my best deep inhales through my nose to experience the indulgent perfume of the humid atmosphere seating itself on the ground, taking up space, like an elephant sitting down at a dinner party.

Ah, this most pleasant inner couch elbow, where I nuzzle. It’s the kind of cozy corner I’d be perfectly happy spending the entirety of this day in. But as a sometimes, self-proclaimed adult (mostly by necessity —bills don’t pay themselves so I’ve learned), I must indeed go off to work. Fare thee well, my warm, comforting, friendly, supportive, kind, couch corner. Until next time, my love!


A Neutral Thanksgiving to You

