The Seeker’s Path

I had to get away for a while
So I started consuming the miles
Just me and my two-wheeled steed
Revving and riding to be freed

We set our quick pace for the north
Prepared for whatsoever came forth
Amid the wild winds of Wyoming
Over the endless tarmac I’m roaming

Through great rolling hills of Montana
Bursting hues of green shout ‘Hosanna’
I do the same - it’s awe-inspiring
As my parallel twin cylinders keep on firing

We rolled on like a wave in the ocean
The Seeker’s Path is one of perpetual motion
Into South Dakota’s national forest
I hope to God I never stop being a tourist

Camped on a lake, and sleep just won’t take
Warmth is not something my body can make
Early to rise, it is not of any surprise
I brew some hot coffee and rub my tired eyes

I slide my leg over the saddle
Ready to charge into battle
Long sweeping turns, the scent of pine wood
Getting away has never done me such good

I got turned around in Nebraska
Guess I should have stopped to ask a
Local which direction was which
Forty-five blown miles later….what a bitch

For two long days, my boot has been soggy
I’m sore, tired, alone, and groggy
But I turn and carry on, faster than ever
Giving a good workout to my clutch lever

If I can just push on to Cheyenne
I’m giving it all that I can
Through gale and rain I’ve come this far
As I watch my pannier slide across the tar

The comfort of home can’t come too soon
And yet, I’d keep riding straight through June
This — my happy place. This is my thrill
Wanderlust my sickness. Two wheels my pill


Nature’s Dance


Not From South Dakota