Nature’s Dance

I like when leaves flutter
Not enough to be heard
But enough for visual stimulation
Little leaves shaking
Like little arms waving
A singular branch
Is an individual dance
Joining together
The entire tree
becomes quite a party
Wildflowers at alpine elevations
Dance in the wiles of the wind
as well - sometimes the birds
Join in. This is one of
my favorites to observe
The perpetual dance of
spring and summertime
Until autumn lays
bone and stem to rest

We all, if we pay attention
have access to exclusive
viewings. Of nature’s
exotic, perfectly free
unencumbered, interpretive dances
Unique as unicorns
A dance simply for you
that no one else has
Or ever will, see again

First we dance
then we die
The Great Movement
followed by
The Great Rest


Lincoln St.


The Seeker’s Path