Please Leaf

I sat, outside, at a tiny table on the sidewalk, in the absolutely perfect sunshine and springtime temperature, in my own contrived, muffled, haze of thought, writing.

Eating my first meal of the day. A plate full of exhausted. With a side of anxious. And a small pour of doubt to go.

I had my fill before I even began. So I just sat and stared ahead.

And then a natural things happened. A singular dead leaf got caught in a tiny torrent of air … an ever-so-slight breeze.

This, the genre of entertainment that captivates me every time. So I put on my poet spectacles and unblinkingly observed.

Leaf resembled a tumbleweed in its movement. Rotating slowly, end over end. Right down the precise middle of the street. Helpless as could be to do anything about it. I felt some measure of pity. Yet admiration and jealousy.

And in that moment, in that leaf, I saw myself. And I felt the same pity, only without the accompanying admiration and jealousy.

I saw myself, being thrown about by the madness and constantly blowing, changing whims and needs of the surrounding world. And I, helpless to do anything about it.

And then…

At that very moment…

In an altering instant…

I remembered something very important…


So I got up from my tiny table and went to do something about my life. :)


At The Bar

