A California Morning

Dreaming of a California morning
This landlocked heart is in mourning
The great seas offer no boundaries
And my longings are molten, like the bronze in foundries
Here, mountains soar like scrapers in the sky
Stationary, they lack the rhythm of the Pacific’s by-and-by
I am sick for sand, seafood, and supine succulents
Have I misplaced or mistaken my geographical residence
I weep for want of oceanic winds and waters
Should I have been among the coast’s sons and daughters
I wish to sit, invisible, near the yogis and joggers
To wring out poetry with the novelists and bloggers
I pine to freely ideate, at land and sea’s juncture
Keenly positioned — that all my bubbles I may puncture
The surf’s horizon is a reminder of endless opportunity
The beach is my saving grace - my oasis of impunity
My high-altitude lungs crave an air seasoned with salt
My heart is a shipwreck sinking, and it’s not my fault
Dreaming of a California morning
Wondering…when will my time in Colorado be adjourning


Dear Uncertainty


Self Talks