A Glimmering Trope

I was swimming around
Getting acquainted with the waters
Figuring out currents and tides
Learning the tricky differences
Between predators, friends, and prey
Making my home in a world ever-moving
When out of the corner of my little fish eye
A shiny, glimmering something I did spy
It dashed, and it darted, lingered then lunged
Ever-curious, I began my cautious pursuit
Could this very well be what I had long awaited?
I investigated — too close and then too far
Suddenly, before I knew what it was I was doing

I took a nibble

I did! It seemed so very magical
Like it would take me to the best scenario
Like my scaly-little water-bound life
Might explode into a world of possibility
But, boy isn’t that always the lure?
The shiny hook of hope snagged me again
The scheme that goes on and on, my friend
Now the hook of hope is in me
Dragging me, every which kind of way
I fight, because I have been here before
Hope hurts, and I am nearly helpless
That savage, little, barbed, curved piece of metal
I remember now — too late — the shine is a lie

I just HAD to nibble

Now I’m on the ride of my life. Again!
The light gets brighter. The water warmer
I think I can see the other side of everything!
This is the place, where worlds collide
Has anyone seen my comfort zone
How long has it been? That I’ve been hooked?
I’m frantic. Panicked. Did I just black out
I mean, maybe it really will be good this time
One terrible experience need not dictate the next
Logic falters. Numbness overcomes me
Is that barb in to deep? Am I in too deep?
Oh no! I hate this part! (I equally find it thrilling)
Risk and Anxiety! This is the moment I breach my universe

Flop. Splash. Flop. Splash.

I can’t breathe! What’s happening?! Where am I?
It’s blinding! Discombobulating! Exhilarating
This is not at all what I had in mind
Aaaah I’m so stupid. I HAVE been here before
Exactly this! Remember? Vividly now — I’ve danced this dance
Will I ever learn? No time for that now
I must fight with my all. Fight for safety
Flop. Splash. Flop. Splash. YANK
Hurts like the dickens! Every damn time
Laceration and blood now, tenderness and scars later
Oh, but I’m back in the water! I’ve got to hide
Home. Safety. Healing. I will NEVER do that again!

Hey! ….What’s that shiny thing over there?!


The Wild West


Wicked Game