
Are you a son or daughter of rejection
Or a purveyor of skewed perception
Were you given unidentifiable containers
Trying to squeeze through a sieve or strainer
Contrarily, one size can never fit all
Forcing it is likely to produce a squall
Really, you don’t need to fit in OR stick out
Self containment is what it is about

So you don’t fit the mold, but are you being rejected
Thought you were in the cockpit, somehow got ejected
Now you are the pilot of your own free fall
Begging your brain for a way to stall
the inevitable — a very unpleasant landing
Then it hits you: stop falling and start standing
up for your self. Hey, it’s alright to inquire
Don’t let bad narrative tread you into the muck and mire

It’s not impossible…your assumptions incorrect all along
And so what if they were… it’s okay to be wrong
There’s no sense in making much ado over nothing
I think maybe 9 times out of 10, rejection is bluffing


Needles Overlook


James, was it?